terça-feira, 4 de junho de 2002

Tirado do blog da Dru:

Find your Roswell match
at Blancadelic.com

Max Evans.
"When I look in your eyes I don't feel deprived. I feel like the luckiest half-human on the planet."
You old romantic, you. Looking for a serious, dark-haired, mystery man from an exotic place? You'll find him in Max Evans. One look into those deep brown eyes will tell you that his quiet and shy demeanor hides an intensely passionate soul. This is a man who knows how to sweep a woman off of her feet. Show him your unconditional love and support when he needs you and you'll find yourself warmed in the glow of his gentle heart, not to mention those big, strong arms.

P/quem já me disse que o Erwin é o Max, olha a comprovação... hehehehehehehehe (essa foi p/pegar no pé :P)

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